Information, Inspiration, and Ideas for a Sustainable Rural Future

Promoting the Entrepreneurial Community Spirit

Sustainable Dining -- Network Style

You are what you eat! And for a small network of Montana farmers and chefs, what you eat is good for all of us. The Story of a Steak in Food and Wine magazine follows the trail from the "hippie cows" of Big Sky Natural Beef, the organic beets and carrots of Gallatin Valley Botanical, and the organic fingerling potatoes of Gaia Gardens to The Savory Olive restaurant in Bozeman where "every dish is made from sustainably produced ingredients." Together, organic/sustainable ranchers/farmers with support from the Chefs Collaborative -- a 10 year old group created to promote sustainable cuisine -- are changing the future, one food network at a time. It's Sustainability in Action. Special thanks to NARFI friend and outstanding photographer Steve Helmbrecht for the heads up on this article.